Hand Tools

hand tools for polyester strapping

 Hand Tensioners 

Hand tensioners have great value and can be used as a main or back up tool.

Featured Tensioner: Signode PTC- Polyester Strapping Tensioner


The PTC is a feedwheel tensioner for plastic strapping.

.625″ PP, PET

.75″ PP, PET

This tool is quick and easy to use/

Cutter nested on the tool makes it faster to used.

4 lbs.

Hand Sealers

Hand sealers have very good durability, and the repair parts are easy to come by. This is a great value tool and worth having one in your tool garage.

Our Featured Hand Sealer: EP-1250 Traditional Front Action Sealer


Uses serrated seals for sealing

17″ handles


3 sizes: 1/2″, 5/8″ and 3/4″ Plastic Strapping

Hand Cutters

Cutters are pretty standard and can come in different weights and sharpness.

Featured Cutter: Signode CU-30 Steel or Plastic Strapping Cutter


We like this tool because you can use it on plastic and steel strapping.

Offers great flexibility

Weighs 3 lbs.

There are replicas of the CU-30 that are a lot cheaper.

For Steel Strapping, visit our sister site www.strappingsteel.com